Upon Arrival To Church
Please read this page carefully and print it for your reference the day of the Church Service
The day before the Liturgy, someone from church will call you to confirm that the health information you provided in this form is still valid and there are no new health concerns. Please do not come to the Liturgy unless you have been contacted. Please arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled start time for the Liturgy. The Church doors will be locked once the Liturgy begins.
All regular preparations to receive communion are expected including:
- Regular repentance and confession
- Being at peace with others
Each household is expected to bring with them the following:
- Masks. These are to be worn by each member of the household from the moment they arrives in the Church parking lot until the household leaves, and only to be removed momentarily to receive the Holy Communion.
- Hand sanitizers. Each member of the household is to sanitize their hand before entering the Church and again upon leaving the Church.
- One water bottle per household member.
- Head-coverings for women.
- Corporals (“lifafas” / Communion napkins) for each member if you have them available.
Safety Guidelines for Everyone:
- Upon arrival to the building parking lot, proceed directly to the Church. Make an effort to touch as few things as possible.
- Upon dismissal at the end of the liturgy, exit immediately without greeting the clergy or others.
- All water fountains are closed and must not be used.
- If you need to use the bathroom, please sanitize your hands both before and after using it.
- Do not walk around the building whatsoever.
- No social gathering within the Church building nor in the parking lot whatsoever.
- All members of the household must leave the church property immediately upon exiting the building.
Please Note:
Each member of the household will have their temperature taken by a contactless thermometer. If anyone in the household has a fever, for the safety of all involved, that household will be asked to return home and self-isolate for 14 days, as per Public Health directive.
Steps upon arrival:
Everyone sanitizes their hands upon arrival from the dispenser just inside the church door.
- The household members wear their own masks and gloves prior to entering the Church.
- They keep wearing them all the time except for the time of the Holy Communion.
- The household members refrain from touching anything until they reach their designated place inside the sanctuary.
- Please do not touch any icons and saints’ relics.
- The family members bring with them their own water bottle, head cover and lifafa.
- In all churches, pre-assigned deacons will serve with the priest. The deacon will be inside the altar with a microphone, observing all the time the social distance with the priest.
- The priest will leave the Ologia wrapped in a plastic bag on the table to be taken by the family.
- The seats, the door handles (include the ones of the washrooms), the hand rails, the tablets and the microphones will be sanitized after each liturgy.
- Everyone sanitizes their hands as soon as they leave the Church.